Bakery Solutions | Imperial Western Products

Bakery Solutions

Bakery Solutions

Since 2003, Bakery Solutions has been specializing in the recycling of bakery related food waste. We can offer a complete service from picking it up to the recycling and reuse of your food waste materials.  We can even design a custom recycling program to meet your specific needs.   We are also a one stop source for all your traditional recycling needs including: semi-cardboard, plastics, paper and metal recycling.  When you recycle with Bakery Solutions, you will save money by diverting waste streams from costly landfills, and potentially earn revenue from that same waste.

Bakery Solutions specializes in the recycling of food waste all throughout the Southwestern United States.  Food waste can be defined as food that has expired, does not meet desired food specifications for human consumption, process foods or foods that you would normally throw in the trash.  We also provide recycling services for organic liquids and plate waste.

Bakery Solutions provides exceptional service to all our customers.  We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when necessary.  We can take your food waste in any form – combined with trash, in original packaging, and without the need for complete segregation.  Bakery Solutions provides storage containers to store your food waste, and we can build and install custom equipment if needed.  Our service is customized to fit your specific needs, and at the same time providing you with the best organic reuse of all your food waste materials.